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Pace Calculator

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artistic silhouette image of a man running

This pace calculator determines your pace per mile, yard, meter, kilometer, or per various multiples thereof, based on your total time and distance for any race type activity. It can be used as a running, cycling, or swimming pace calculator, or as a pace calculator for any other type of activity that you can think of. There is also a calculator to determine your total time given your pace and your total distance, and a calculator to determine your total distance given your pace and your total time. Each one has a split calculator capable of generating a summary of your splits per mile, yard, meter, kilometer, or per various multiples thereof.

If you think that there are some pace increments missing that should be added to these calculators please contact us and let us know, we'd be happy to add them.

Pace Calculator

Total Distance

Total Timehoursminutesseconds



Total Time Calculator

Total Distance




Total Distance Calculator

Total Timehoursminutesseconds





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